Reprimand To The Supreme Court Of The United States
    الجمعة 14 ديسمبر / كانون الأول 2018 - 21:04
    عاصم أبو الخير
    Assem A. Abulkhair
    باحث وكاتب مصري
    Dear Clerk:

    Per our phone conversation on (October 19, 2018) to inquire the status of the delayed filing petition, the supreme clerk claimed that the primary "petition was received on October 10, 2018 and sent back on October 17, 2018."  According to the USPS Tracking confirmation, it was delivered on Tuesday, ("October 9, 2018 at 11:14 am").  If, in fact, the petition does not comply with the "mandatory" rules, it must be noticed immediately and sent back on the same day.  However, to withhold it for approximately nine (9) days to read then give the green light to the Circuit Court to reject the other appeal inseparable to this one, is an immoral and satanic act, practice and misconduct expected from those "professional liars" and "sexual predators" with a very low "obtuse" mentality.  This is what we exactly indicated and perfectly predicted in our petition and you easily fell into our trap voluntarily.  Since you returned it, you have given us the golden and excellent opportunity opposite the malicious motive intended to achieve [.]

    Based on the clerk's account, it took the Circuit Court three (3) business days to rush itself to issue an opinion of three (3) useless and frivolous pages we have no idea what it is all about since the extensiveness and complex of the issues involved there require at least 300 pages opinion to fit covering them, except a trash one, especially after waiting more than six (6) and a half months until this petition was filed to authorize the "FBI" surveillance with[out] (FISA).  Followed by another swift (3) business days denial [t]o protect the corrupt "State of New Jersey" under the "delusional", "fake", and elusive "Eleventh Amendment" the "State did [NOT] ratify" [i]n the first place [.]  What [a] "Kangaroo Court" or rather "Daddy Judiciary" [w]e end with in the "shithole country" !![!]  What [a] "supreme" coincidence the "supreme" clerk withheld the petition from the 10th until returned on the 17th of October, 2018 and the Circuit Court's opinions issued on the 15th and 18th of October, 2018, just "two" (2) days prior and "one" (1) day after it returned.  You need [a] mentality of [a] moron "professional liar" or an idiot "sexual predator" to swallow your satanic coincidence, definitely [not] us.  While the morons have no problem at all to footstep on the rule of law, at the same time, they demand litigants to obey their "rules" !![!]  If the court sought to game the wrong litigant and the broken system like the Circuit and the District [,] the little integrity left of the judicial system would be impaired and eroded [.]

    Henceforth, without reviewing the reason(s) for returning, if a petition was deliberately withheld for nine (9) days, it must be read and analyzed by the "law clerks" to determine whether the questions presented on their bare and clear face are interested or important to the welfare of the public and worth review before returning it under any deficiency or technicality.  If they are not the type of interesting questions, an automatic "denial" order should be entered to lift up the unnecessary burden of time and money from litigants as well taxpayer's shoulders who are paying your unearned exaggerating salary.  But, if the evil minded court has the leverage and intention to burden a pro se litigant to get even with him and retaliate against his unparalleled moral courage and unattainable "strong language", the "supreme" then does [not] represent or even stand for its "low" *title.  The "United States" itself, [not] the "supreme" court, does [NOT] have the power to defeat Abulkhair's language [.]  If this is the case, which is, Abulkhair must yield to Anatole France to respond better.  He meritoriously earned to have streets named after him; so Abulkhair would have the same honoree with merit on every corner of the court with integrity, not for his oldest, prestigious, historical, and pharaonical supernatural last name, but for his unique, outstanding and unattainable moral courage and "strong language" to stand in the face of the evil and most satanic, corrupted, oppressive and injustice judicial tribunal ever assembled on the face of the earth [.]

    The "first born Satan" "professional liar" who unethically engaged in conversation with one of this Court's clerks together with others who filed oppositions to our petitions, none of their frivolous filings ever complied with any "format" of "Rule 33" or other rules.  The "moron" even went as far to contact and tamper with the expert witness, who is a dentist, to prevent his testimony in court during a jury trial after he was defeated badly by a pro se litigant at the Appellate Division since he knew well the absence of any consequence that distinguished the "Kangaroo Court" he represents as the "Officer of the Court".  To retaliate against Abulkhair's bitter "reversal" in the appellate court, the satanic, corrupt or useless trial judge refused to extend the trial one single day to allow the tampered witness' testimony, who, by the way, had faxed his expertise report weeks earlier directly [t]o his shameful "chamber", because the interests of the "professional liars" must supersede the interest of justice in the "American Kangaroo Court".  Henceforth, if you have the desire and/or malice to enforce rules, you must impose the same upon yourselves first, and the licensed "professional liars" like you are –––– [NOT] pro se nonprofessional [.]  Litigants must [not] be dragged into "perjury" to "alter" or modify any court's order or document to satisfy any or all "rules" or circumstances for which is [a] felony [.]  Enforcement of the "rules" must begin from there (initial order), not from here (final appeal) [.]

    Because the Court must have forgotten about its "liberal" standard of review to "liberally construe pro se documents" by imposing what appeared [t]o "discriminate" by distinguishing and enforcing "certain" litigants compliance with its rules, we as the rest of the public should wonder whether the court that mandated and demanded to adopt and enforce its useless and frivolous rule, would be compelled itself to the same standard to comply, embrace, adhere, and abide by [t]he rule of law [t]o be upheld by the court as written !![!]

    However, "Rule 33" references to "case" [not] "petition" when it refers to the number of copies based on filing in forma pauperis where the "case" grandfathered and originally generated to begin with.  Why are forty (40) copies needed to trigger any ignorant court to impose upon any litigant to sort out whether the question presented requiring an answer or not when and where in the computer age one single copy is more than enough to be scanned and passed upon all obtuse brains on the bench as well as behind the desk where the real reviewers remain.  If the court feels offended enough by the embarrassing questions rather than the "strong language", it has the absolute "discretion" to escape the responsibility and the question altogether as it had in the past, time after time; instead of its latest moronic maneuver of returning this particular petition where the others preceding were not, despite they were filed properly in the same fashion.  Even the "Kangaroo Court" everywhere has established its "relaxation rule" long time ago to make sure no important complaint or question is left behind without an answer "in the interest of justice" hidden somewhere.  The obvious distinction and far differentiation is that, the judges are [not] appointed by [a] corrupt "sexual predator", "bully" politician as here.  It is the same satanic "Kangaroo Judiciary" strategy to appoint an "independent counsel" to investigate the ignorant, (bully) [ARBUGY] "President" for constitutional and law violations [h]e himself committed against others when and where litigation(s) still remain pending against him and his former employer ("FBI").  [A] violator of the law investigate[s] one another [!]  You asked for it and we must deliver on [a] silver plate as [a] matter of principle [.]

    More importantly though, moronically ironic, the "Guardians of the Constitution and Law" appointed [t]o protect them have become the first one [t]o violate and abuse them.  To this end, enforcing a pro se litigant to comply with "Rule 33" or any other rule infringed his/her Due Process Clause they appealed and complained of, despite it showing how a hypocrite court says something and stands for an opposite thing.  How the bilingual New Yorker litigant  –– "The FBI killed my wife" –– or the African American Pennsylvanian "converted" Moslem –– "The FBI do the same shit with me" –– when and where both have filed their pleadings in an old fashion "handwriting" [,] could possibly comply with this kind of sophisticated computer "format" or [a] "booklet" designed only for the licensed "professional liars".  This is obviously a clear violation and obstacle to the foundation of both due process and equal protection of the laws, does not only turn the Constitution on its head, but also put it on the surface of the toilet to be flushed.  The corrupt Congress should put aside partisanship and supervised its court carefully to assure and ensure the public that their Constitution remains in operation no matter what or how the "sexual predators" and the "perverters of justice" maneuver may be to challenge otherwise [.]

    Speaking of "sexual predators", and we clearly declared to the clerk our reluctant to add or change a single word within the petition, in addition to our recusal demand of the Chief Justice, the New Jerseyan Justice, and the bilingual New Yorker Justice, the new "sexual predator" Justice must recuse himself as well from this matter and the upcoming matters too.  We may the first to demand his recusal, but unlikely to be the last.  We made the same prediction regarding "Google" to find out during our search of this docket that many others, [a] total of (64) "litigious" petitioners so far preceded us, which came with no surprise at all.  How many others out there decided to give up following the District's dismissal or the Circuit's affirmation after the failure system miserably failed and let them down ??[?]  Certainly, without doubt, they are unlikely to involve a "recusal" substance or factor since the "professional liars" always reluctant to file a recusal against themselves to leave it to [a] courageous pro se layman [.]

    If they refuse or resist their recusal as we expected, how will they be able to review or decide with [an] "open mind" [a] matter that root[ed] its core substance in [a] recusal issue [?]  What kind of a remarkable ruling would that be?  We made our similar demand below to recuse judge, magistrate judge, law clerk, and secretary who has [a] GM account with the Defendants to stay far from the case –––– They refuse to honor it –––– How about here [?]  To this end, if any other Justice offended by the "sharp language", the core "integrity" of the judiciary or any "Kangaroo Court" requires him or her to step down.  With that in mind, at some point in life, anything and everything must step down [but] language [.]

    Imposing a paltry "fee" or frivolous "rule" does [not] function [.]  What else the immoral, satanic, "sexual predators" and "professional liars" will be eager to even think of to retaliate against the oppressed and disadvantaged to deprive them of their rights , deny justice and avoid to answer the meritorious embarrassing questions they have no answers for because their bribery put them up there, not their qualification [.]  Your usual denial will take off your hypocritical fake mask to expose your actual identity to the entire world to recognize the best place and frame to put your face where it belongs (!!!/???) [.]  The straightforward New Yorker Judge clarified, intensified, and simplified the type and quality of the American Judicial System with the "Rule of Law" [w]e have come [t]o regret an[d] live [i]n and with [,] with or without our consent [:]

    "Every decision of the trial court was arbitrary and capricious, the entire case was held in a cloak of secrecy with the letter of the law in the dumpster."  Id.

    Our constitutional rights and privacy are deliberately violated and invaded because the idiotic and moronic "FBI" with the accomplice "Google" gang targeting [a]t the heart of [t]he "Islamic" faith, and failed to distinguish between the language of moral courage and evil hatred.  [U]nless they recognize the differentiation divorcing both to draw contrast [,] the bloody scene [i]n school, church, synagogue, mosque, and everywhere else will never end together with its preposterous excuse "The suspect was never on the law enforcement or the FBI radar before today," as long as the blind radar is focusing and zooming [i]n on [t]he [wrong] "target" [.]  Dismissing legitimate complaints and denying meritorious petitions, does not protect the wrongdoers rather than encourage the fanatic satanic "Second Amendment" defenders to show and celebrate more and more of their barbaric brutally heinous and ugly bloody massacres [.]  [T]he "Daddy Judiciary" [must] live with [that] forever [.]

    [W]e defeated you with or without your "denial" –––– Your irresponsible act and conduct are no different from the one we appeal have proven.  [N]o one ever created below or above dare[s] to intimidate us in order to please or appease [.]  [T]here is [NONE].  [T]he *["SATAN"]* Himself understood perfectly [,] so should the "supreme" [.]  [W]e demand [justice] –––– [NOT] beg [for] it [.]

    Thanking you for returning our petition and offering the opportunity to reprimand in this matter, I remain,


    /s/ Assem A. Abulkhair
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